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Free Course for Parents

Free Course for Parents

FREE course: Supporting your Child’s SEND Learning and Development at Home


This FREE course is for parents and carers of children with special needs and disabilities (SEND).

Attending the course will help you to support your child’s SEND learning and development at home.

What will you learn on the course? 

On this course you will be:

* learning to support your child in their learning activities, including homework
* gaining insights into how children learn
* developing knowledge and skills to support learning activities
* improving your understanding of how behaviour can impact learning
* building your confidence and ability as a parent and carer by reflecting on your own experiences and those of others

How will the course be delivered? 

This five-week course is delivered remotely twice a week (Tuesdays and Wednesdays) on Zoom.The course is led by an experienced SEND specialist teacher, Shirley Tivey.


How can you apply for this course? 

Sign up to attend this course or make further enquiries by sending your phone number, email and expression of interest to: