Welcome to EYFS
Welcome to Randal Cremer Early Years.You can dowload our EYFS Policy by clicking here: EYFS Policy
Welcome to Randal Cremer Early Years. At Randal Cremer we are passionate about children learning through play, and as much as possible using real-life experiences to underpin their learning. We know that children learn best when their levels of well-being and engagement are high, so our EYFS team work collectively on ensuring children feel safe and secure and have many exciting learning opportunities.
Our Nursery:
We offer both full-time and part-time places. We try to take parents’ and carers’ wishes into account when offering a place and if we can offer a full-time place, we will. However, if a parent or carer does not yet feel their child is ready to come to school for a full day that is also fine, after all it is the parents and carers who know their children best. Children in Nursery learn through a mixture of short carpet sessions with focused intentions, self-directed play and planned small group interventions to support them in key areas. We welcome parents to come and share in their child’s learning at different points throughout the week as this helps us work in effective partnership with you to support your child.
Our Reception:
Learning in our two-form entry Reception is a balance of child-initiated play and adult led sessions. We believe that this leads to the best levels of progress and well-being for our children, and we ensure this is achieved by building on the children’s interests, motivation and developmental stage. We teach Phonics, Maths and Literacy daily in short sessions on the carpet. The remainder of the day is mainly self-directed, with children leading their learning through play and adults responding in order to move learning forward.
Both Nursery and Reception offer indoor and outdoor areas. Your children will play with water and create wonders in our Mud Kitchen. They will wear all weather clothing so that they can be outdoors both in sunshine and when it is raining.
We want our children to be independent and not rely on adults for every small issue, so we support and encourage them to find ways to resolve conflict, solve problems and make connections in their learning.
Are you thinking of sending your child to a nursery, school, youth club or sport activity? Read me!