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June 2016

Randal Cremer Primary School is a GOOD school!

As you know the school recently received a no notice Section 5 Inspection. We are delighted to be able to share with you the outcomes. Inspection dates: 8–9 June 2016 Overall effectiveness: Good Effectiveness of leadership and management: Good Quality of teaching, learning and assessment:…

Head Boy & Head Girl Results!

The results are in! The winners for Head Boy and Head Girl are Uygur and Valentina! Well done to you both for this fantastic achievement! The results were very close at the top so it was decided that a Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Headd Girl would also…

Election Day for Head Girl & Head Boy

While adults around the country will be voting to remain in or exit the EU, children and staff at Randal Cremer have begun voting for Head Girl and Head Boy for next term. There are 8 candidates from year 5 (4 boys and 4 girls) who all gave their…

Where have all the children gone?

What is Empty Classroom Day? Empty Classroom Day is a day to celebrate and inspire learning and play outside the classroom, and Randal Cremer wanted to get involved! We have joined schools from across the world in taking all our classes outdoors. We will be…

‘Change the Bollards’ Petition

The School Council children have been working hard over the past few weeks discussing some important matters which affect them and the rest of the school. The latest discussion was about the safety of the bollards outside of the school office. The children have designed…

Help us win £5000 of National Book Tokens!

Please click here and enter the National Book Tokens competition to help Randal Cremer win £5000 of book tokens! The winner will also get £100 of book tokens to spend for themselves! Entering the competition is super quick and super easy – simply click here, enter a few details…

Geffrye Museum Summer Events

There’s plenty going on at The Geffrye Museum this summer! Visit their website below to look through all the events, exhibitions, tours and much more that will be taking place there this summer. If you have any enquiries about any of the events, you can…

Spanish Day – Monday 13th June

A reminder to all about Spanish Day at Randal Cremer this Monday (13th June). Children and staff will be wearing red and yellow clothes to school. During the day, they will be studying numbers and shape for Maths, greetings and information about themselves in Spanish, as…