Support Plans, Pupil Passports & EHC Plans
At Randal Cremer, whenever there are any concerns about a child’s progress, attendance, well-being or behaviour, there will be a meeting between:
Class Teacher
Member of SLT
A support plan will be co-created taking into account the views of parents, child and staff.
Support plans are reviewed at least termly and detail additional interventions and support that we have or will put in place in order enable a child to make progress. If a child does not make progress despite significant levels of intervention, we may decide to make a request for an EHC needs assessment.
A blank support plan can be found here:
What is an EHC Plan?
An EHC plan is a legal document that describes a child or young person’s special educational, health and social care needs. It explains the extra help that will be given to meet those needs and how that help will support the child or young person to achieve what they want to in their life.
More information can be found here:
EHCP Needs Assessment Flow Chart
Children with an EHC Plan
Teachers, SENCOs, Support Staff, external professionals and parents will meet termly to discuss the progress of all children. Where the child is able to take part they will also be invited to the annual review.
Children with an EHC plan will also have a child centred annual review at least annually. This is an opportunity to learn what is working well and what may need to be changed to support the child with their next stage of their education.
All children with an EHC plan also have a Pupil Passport to ensure all adults coming into contact with the child know their strengths, triggers, and learning targets.