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Intervention & Provision

At Randal Cremer our approach to inclusion and Special Educational Needs begins with a focus on high quality, inclusive class teaching.

We use the Graduated Response to SEND to support any children causing concern.

This begins with the class teacher implementing a range of strategies, scaffolding and support to meet the needs of all children in their class.


Graduated Response


Cognition & Learning General

Cognition & Learning Reading

Cognition & Learning Writing

Cognition & Learning Maths

Cognition & Learning Approaches to Learning

Cognition & Learning Memory

Dyslexia Friendly Classroom

Communication & Interaction

Communication Friendly Classrooms

Sensory & Physical

Sensory & Physical Hearing

Sensory & Physical Vision

ASD Guidance


At termly progress meetings any children who may require additional support, including:

  • Speech and Language assessment
  • Specialist Teacher support
  • Educational Psychology assessment
  • Learning Mentor

Are identified and an appropriate support plan is implemented.