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Sports Day 2015

Sports Day 2015

Sports Day will be held at Haggerston Park on Monday 6th July. Early Years and Key Stage 1 will be going over after registration in the morning. Key Stage 2 will join Early Years and KS1 at around 11am and have lunch at midday.

Please dress your children in suitable footwear and clothing for physical activities.

Due to the hot weather please make sure the children have sun cream on, bring a hat and a named bottle of water.

The children have been told which house they belong to. The names and colours of the houses are:

Adams – Blue          Ennis – Green          Farah – White         Wiggins – Red

If your child has a t-shirt representing the colour of their  group then they can wear them. If not, your child should wear their P.E kit. Children will be making bands in class which will represent the colour of their house which they will wear on the day.

You will be able to take your child home immediately after Sports Day but please make sure you inform the teacher and sign that you have collected your child.

As agreed by the children, packed lunches should not contain crisps, sweets, (including chocolate) or fizzy drinks.

If your child receives free school meals or usually has school dinners and requires a school packed lunch, please return the Sports Days letter reply slip by Friday 3rd July. If your child does not receive free school meals, the cost of a school packed lunch will be the same as a normal school dinner.

All parents are welcome to give support to the children and to take part in the adult races.

On the day if you are coming to support your child and you would like to sit with them you may do so but please make sure you stay in the area of your child’s group. Children need to stay in their groups as they’ll be called up for their activities and more importantly to keep them safe.

Please note all arrangements are subject to the weather (we will send out a text if we have to cancel).

We apologise for the late notice on the change of date but there was an issue with the park.


*Please note: We would appreciate it if no dogs were brought to Sports Day, thank you.